FHF Really Useful Show

Online , United Kingdom

LWMFHS is attending. Our volunteers will be on hand at our stand to give research help.

FHF Really Useful Show

Online , United Kingdom

LWMFHS is attending. Our volunteers will be on hand at our stand to give research help.

Christmas in the City

Online via Zoom London, England, United Kingdom

A talk by Jill Finch. Despite being known as a financial district, with a reputation for only thinking about money, the City of London does put on a bit of a show at Christmas. Trees are decorated, lights twinkle, and carols ring out from the churches. Ever since the Romans introduced the winter festival of […]

Help! What do I do before 1837?

Online via Zoom London, England, United Kingdom

Researching your Ancestors before Civil Registration by Linda Hammond. So, you’ve been happily working your way back through census records and tracing your ancestors through civil registration, ordering some certificates on the way. Then you hit the 1841 census and where do you go from there! Linda will look at the types of records available […]

LWMFHS Annual General Meeting

Online via Zoom London, England, United Kingdom

This meeting will be followed by a talk from LWMFHS member Graham Ford at 8pm.

The Notorious Fraudster Ford

Online via Zoom London, England, United Kingdom

Researching a Criminal Ancestor by Graham Ford. LWMFHS member Graham Ford discusses researching the records of our criminal ancestors illustrated by the life of one of his own using court, prison and transportation records. Was the Notorious Fraudster Ford more Raffles, gentleman thief, or more Rodney (Trotter), just a bit of a plonker? For LWMFHS […]

Turning your tree into a tale

Roxeth Community Church Coles Crescent, South Harrow, Middlesex, United Kingdom

A talk by Kathy Chater. Join other like-minded family historians in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. All are welcome to come along and contribute: members free, non-members £2. LWMFHS membership starts at £12. Join Us – LWMFHS

Understanding Your Old Photos

Online via Zoom London, England, United Kingdom

A talk by Stephen Gill. When you look at an old photo of yours how long do you actually look at it for? A few seconds or a couple of minutes at the most. When restoring a photo Stephen looks at it for up to two hours and gets to see all sorts of details […]

Investigation of the 1939 Register

Roxeth Community Church Coles Crescent, South Harrow, Middlesex, United Kingdom

An investigation led by Tony Allen of the Register taken on 29 September 1939 at the outbreak of the Second World War in order to produce Identity Cards. Providing the most complete survey of the population between 1921 and 1951 of 41 million people who lived in England and Wales at that time.

The Walloons and The Huguenots

Online via Zoom London, England, United Kingdom

A talk by Sandra Robinson. What were their Protestant beliefs?  Why were they persecuted in 16C Spanish Netherlands, and 16C - 18C France? An illustrated talk on Walloon and Huguenot history, complete with heroes, villains and the invention of our word 'refugee'. Understanding their background will help your research into and understanding of their lives […]

FHF Really Useful Family History Show

Burgess Hall One Leisure Westwood Road, St Ives,, Cambridge, United Kingdom

LWMFHS is attending. Our volunteers will be on hand at our stall to give research help. We will be selling our publications, including our ever popular Parish Guides, and maps relevant to our area. Plus we will have a range of sale items, including used and nearly new books and old maps. FREE Parking, FREE […]